
أخبار عن شركتنا والقطاع

  • Asia Health 2022 (Bangkok)

Asia Health 2022 (Bangkok)

زمن: 2022-10-24

Medlab Asia & Asia Health occurred from 19-21 October in Bangkok, Thailand. It is an international exhibition that brings healthcare professionals together to e

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  • Saikang Magazine 202209

Saikang Magazine 202209

زمن: 2022-09-26

Download Saikang Magazine 202209

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  • Saikang Magazine 202206

Saikang Magazine 202206

زمن: 2022-06-21

Download Saikang Magazine 202206

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  • A Birthday Party to Recall Our Childhood

A Birthday Party to Recall Our Childhood

زمن: 2022-08-04

When we were children, we were always looking forward to growing up faster and faster, and always thinking that becoming an adult is a great experience.

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  • SAIKANG Acted Quickly to Defend Shanghai against the Epidemic

SAIKANG Acted Quickly to Defend Shanghai against the Epidemic

زمن: 2022-04-19

In the Spring of 2022, the outbreak of the epidemic in Shanghai became the focus of the whole country. Suzhou, which is very closed to Shanghai, has taken urgen

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  • A Emergent Order

A Emergent Order

زمن: 2022-03-29

We got an emergent phone call in one night, and received a emergent order.

At 11:00 pm on March 24th, SAIKANG’s general manager and company’s middl

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  • Saikang Magazine 202203

Saikang Magazine 202203

زمن: 2022-03-21

Download Saikang Magazine 202203

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  • United to Fight the Epidemic|SAIKANG Donated Medical Supplies to Epidemic Control

United to Fight the Epidemic|SAIKANG Donated Medical Supplies to Epidemic Control

زمن: 2022-03-17

Spring means hope. The beginning of a year could have brought us hope. But the outbreak of epidemic suddenly made us feel cold both psychologically and physica

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  • Saikang Magazine 202112

Saikang Magazine 202112

زمن: 2021-12-24

Download Saikang Magazine 202112

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